
MPEG-4 HE-AAC v2 Encoder, Blackfin

The MPEG-4 HE-AAC v2 encoder library (with DAB and DRM support) for the Blackfin processor implements a combination of Advanced Audio Coding (AAC), Spectral Band Replication (SBR) and Parametric Stereo (PS), standardized as the High-Efficiency v2 profile in MPEG-4 (HE AAC v2).
  • High Resolution Battery-Powered Robust Type K Thermocouple Signal Conditioning Amplifier with Cold Junction Compensation
High Resolution Battery-Powered Robust Type K Thermocouple Signal Conditioning Amplifier with Cold Junction Compensation



High Resolution Battery-Powered Robust Type K Thermocouple Signal Conditioning Amplifier with Cold Junction Compensation

该电路可用作一款插入式适配器,适用于常见的数字万用表,而且是全便携式的。这款电路采用 LT1025 热电偶补偿器来改善宽泛环境状况下的准确度,并安装在靠近热电偶连接点的地方以实现最佳的热跟踪。它免除了对热电偶 "冷结点" 实施温度稳定处理的需要,并消除了静态室温校正值所带来的准确度损失。LT1025 的输出提供了一个针对始自 0°C 的环境温差的 10mV/°C 校正电压 —— 在室温条件下一般约为 250mV。测得的探头温度为该补偿电压与经放大的热电偶电压之和。补偿器输出至 LTC2053 的 REF 输入之简单连接便是增加这两个电压所需完成的全部工作。采用此种配置唯一需要考虑的因素是:校正电压必须要能够供应或吸收在电路中流动的反馈电阻器电流。