
LTM8050 2.5V/2A 降压型转换器




LTM8058 是一款具 LDO 后置稳压器的 2kV AC 隔离型反激式 μModule® (微型模块) DC/DC 转换器。封装中内置了开关控制器、电源开关、变压器、LDO 以及所有的支持组件。LTM8058 可在 3.1V 至 31V 的输入电压范围内运作,支持 2.5V 至 13V 的输出电压范围 (由单个电阻器来设定)。另外,还集成了一个线性后置稳压器,其输出电压可调范围为 1.2V 至 12V (由单个电阻器来设定)。仅需采用输出和输入电容器便可实现完整的设计。可以采用其他组件来控制软起动控制和偏置。 

2kV AC Isolated Low Noise μModule Regulator

Total Output Current vs VIN



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To launch ready-to-run LTspice demonstration circuits for this part:

Step 1: Download and install LTspice on your computer.

Step 2: Click on the link in the section below to download a demonstration circuit.

Step 3: If LTspice does not automatically open after clicking the link below, you can instead run the simulation by right clicking on the link and selecting “Save Target As.” After saving the file to your computer, start LTspice and open the demonstration circuit by selecting ‘Open’ from the ‘File’ menu.
