
LT1085: 具有改善纹波抑制的 5V 稳压器




70W, Solar Energy Harvester with Maximum Power Point Regulation

LT®3763 是一款固定频率、同步降压型 DC/DC 控制器,专为准确地调节高达 20A 的输出电流而设计。平均电流模式控制器将在 0V 至 55V 的宽输出电压范围内保持电感器电流调节作用。输出电流由 CTRL 引脚上的模拟电压和一个外部检测电阻器设定。电压调节和过压保护利用一个连接于输出和 FB 引脚之间的分压器来设定。开关频率可通过 RT 引脚上的一个外部电阻器或利用 SYNC 引脚和一个外部时钟信号在 200kHz 至 1MHz 的范围内进行设置。输入和输出电流检测可提供输入电流限制和这些电流的准确测量。FBIN 引脚可供那些需要峰值功率跟踪功能的应用之用。

Solar Powered SLA BatteryCharging



LTspice® is a powerful, fast and free simulation software, schematic capture and waveform viewer with enhancements and models for improving the simulation of analog circuits.

To launch ready-to-run LTspice demonstration circuits for this part:

Step 1: Download and install LTspice on your computer.

Step 2: Click on the link in the section below to download a demonstration circuit.

Step 3: If LTspice does not automatically open after clicking the link below, you can instead run the simulation by right clicking on the link and selecting “Save Target As.” After saving the file to your computer, start LTspice and open the demonstration circuit by selecting ‘Open’ from the ‘File’ menu.
