
Positioning, Navigation and Timing

Harris is providing the technology for the next-generation Global Positioning System (GPS), which will provide greater accuracy and more reliable navigation services.

Harris is the leading global provider of positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) products, systems and solutions. Our total GPS navigation systems comprise high-performance, reliable, cost-effective GPS payload, control and interference location solutions. We have built more than 70 GPS satellite payloads, and our technology has been on every U.S. GPS satellite ever launched, accumulating more than 800 years of on-orbit life without a single mission-related failure due to our equipment.

Today, Harris is deploying GPS satellite technologies that dramatically improve the accuracy and reliability of this global utility on the next generation of GPS satellites – the GPS III program. The next-generation GPS Operational Control System (OCX) will provide command, control and mission support for all current and future GPS satellites. We are providing the key navigation processing elements and precision monitor station receivers for the GPS OCX program, which includes improved system security, accuracy and reliability.